Heavenly Quest

You live in the World, but only visit ME.

It is NOT enough!

LIVE IN ME as you visit this World!


“You must traverse this path to find your Eternal Heavenly Quest.

Open your eyes to see what I have Created for you to learn, grow and explore – on your way to arrive at  – your Heavenly Quest, Me.

I AM Infinite Spirit, in Being, totally other than Creation.

 I am ALL HOLY.  You will never understand it fully.

I am all-encompassing, beyond the finite, hazelnut-sized orb of the Univese that I showed to Julian of Norwich in 1604. 

I cannot be quantified, measured, evaluated, sensed or known – except as I allow you to perceive Me.

Learn from ancient Scriptures, My later Life Story, while living physically on earth, and learn from my human Holy Family and close friends on how to properly live and act with courage, conviction and righteousness.

Infinity cannot be explained in words, languages of the finite, regardless of sophistication.  But it can be experienced in progression, in proportion to your fitness to receive it, cherish it, explain it to those in your limited, finite realm.

I work at all scales – subatomic to universal.  Time and place are nothing to Me.

I can create men from nothing, rocks, dirt, even water. I can place a soul into anything, or nothing, in forms and beings beyond your mental grasp.

The end point is to exist within Me: to share My infinity, My thoughts and love for My Creation.

It will take great courage to let go of your limited existence and perspective to experience Mine.

It can be done. You must re-evaluate the known in terms of infinite worth, available only in Me.

Make a leap of Faith – that I will Providentially protect you along your journey, teach you successively, gently + greatly expand your ken. 

Recall always, you are nothing, you cannot exist, or act, Without Me Within You.

Now reverse this Truth To Exist In Me, gaining acess to all physical and spiritual dimensions.

What I have is yours, in Me. Free to use, free to give. I cannot diminish, even by giving away the entire Creation.

What you see in outer space is finite, but mind-boggling to you. Within the most ”empty” place in the “known” Universe is filled with as many Galaxies as souls on Earth.

You can shrink to the micro and nano-scales to find the same prolifically-filled design. Yet, I am infinitely beyond all that.  My Spiritual dimensions are even more profoundly vast, at all scales.

I hold all of it together, from Creation to the Eternity of Eternities, in a continuous process of generation – from nothing but My thoughts.

 But all Creation is finite. I AM Infinite. You cannot know as I know, or how I know, at the scale of infinity.

Take for granted that I am lovingly guiding Creation to evolve towards full existence within Me.

Take for granted what little of life you have experienced is nothing compared to Living within Me.   Know that in giving up all you know, a hard choice, has infinite gain.

I live on, and for, Reciprocal Love.

This I get – to an infinite degree – in My Son and our resultant Holy Spirit. Nothing else is needed.

However, I infinitly love Creation and all it encompasses. I let its beings freely choose to Love Me. No strings attached.

Death is abhorrent to Me, it did not exist in the Beginning, only after the Fall of mankind.

Yet, I put My Son thru that dreadful experience in the greatest of pain and infinite rejection – to show men how much sin hurts Me, rejects My Love and the Providence I drench Creation with.

This is in parallel with the rejection by Lucifer, My Light Bearer, who caused 1/3 of the Angelic hosts to reject Me!  This, after I lovingly designed their souls and personalities! A supreme pain, followed by humanity, as the First Couple rejected My Love and My Garden.

Your job is to understand all this and make it known to those around you – so their existence can also be of infinite value and growth.  That I love all Creation identically, even if you do not, and cannot. 

That I supremely value your efforts – to get others thru their lives, in peace and Contemplation of Me, in Love for Me and for each other.

I demand your Respect, Repentance, Gratitude – FULLY.

Do NOT come before Me with your Arrogance, thinking you are good enough — nobody is good enough!

Heaven is a gift from Me; I am your Eternity.

I will never force your decisions. But your reward cannot be dreamed of within your finite limitations.

“Seek and you shall find…”

Thus, I invite you to undertake your Created Mission – to enjoin your HEAVENLY QUEST.”