AKITA, JAPAN - JP2 + B-16 Approved BVM Messages to Sr. Agnes Sasagawa

 Nigata Bishop John S. Ito, with Frs. Robert Fox, Stefano Gobbi and (?)    

“Pray very much the prayers of the Rosary.

I alone am able still to save you from the Calamities which approach. Those who place their confidence in Me will be saved.”

With the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the Bishops, and the Priests.



In 1960, the 3rd Secret of Fatima was not released as the BVM requested,

so She appeared to a nun in Akita, Japan to publicize Her grave appeal.

Sister Agnes Sasagawa was cured of total deafness; a Crying and Bleeding statue of Our Lady attest to the severity of Her message in 1975. 

Bishop John Ito investigated and approved it as genuine and true

Card. Josef Ratzinger agreed, as did Pope John Paul 2.


Fr. Teijii Yasuda wrote a defiining book on the Apparitions amd Messages.

The Tears and Message of Akita:

The Message of Akita IS the Message of  Fatima !

– Bishop John Ito, Nigata Diocese

In June, 1988, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger approved the Akita events as “Reliable and Worthy of Belief.” 

This was the first approval of a Marian Apparition in over 50 years!

There were 5 Wonders at Akita:
1.) Tears flowed from the statue of Our Lady 101 Times, from Jan. 4, 1975 to Sept. 15, 1981 (Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows).       

[On Sept. 28, 1981, Sister Agnes Sasagawa suddenly felt an Angel at her side during Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

A Bible appeared open before her eyes and she was invited to read Genesis 3:15

the voice of the Angel was heard explaining that the passage had relationship with the tears of Mary and then said:

“There is a meaning to the Figure 101.  This signifies that Sin came into the world by a woman and it is also by a woman that Salvation came to the world.   The zero between the two signifies the Eternal God who is from all eternity until eternity.   The first “one” represents Eve, and the last “one,” the Virgin Mary.”]

2.) A Cross-Shaped Wound on the left hand of Sister Agnes (main seer) bled profusely, causing great pain.
3.) An identical wound appeared on the right hand of Our Lady’s statue, from which blood flowed 3 times.
4.) Sister Agnes, who had been declared to be incurably deaf, was cured – at the time predicted by Our Lady.
5.)  In the midst of these wonders, an Angel and Our Lady both appeared and spoke . . .giving messages of world-shaking importance.

                     ***    Our Lady has already told us at Fatima and Garabandal what we must do.     ***

We can believe that when a sufficient number are responding, there will be Miracles of Grace in the world turning back the tide of evil, and issuing in the Era of Peace conceded to mankind promised by Our Lady of Fatima.


Bishop John S. Ito of Nigata, Japan, said – Akita is an Update of Fatima… and its Promise.”




The Blessed Mother gave Sr. Agnes the following message on August 3, 1973:

“My daughter, my novice, do you love the Lord? If you love the Lord, listen to what I have to say to you.

It is very important.  You will convey it to your superior.

Many men in this world afflict the Lord. I desire souls to console Him, to soften the anger of the Heavenly Father. I wish, with My Son, for souls who will repair, by their sufferings and their poverty, for sinners and ingrates.”

“In order that the world might know His anger, the Heavenly Father is preparing to inflict a Great Chastisement on all mankind. With my Son, I have intervened so many times to appease the wrath of the Father.

I have prevented the coming of Calamities – by offering Him the suffering of the Son on the Cross, His Precious Blood, and beloved souls who console Him forming a legion of Victim Souls.

Prayer, Penance and courageous Sacrifices can soften the Father’s anger. I desire this also from your community. That it love Poverty, that it Sanctify itself and pay in Reparation for the ingratitude and outrages of so many men…”

The final message is very serious: 

“As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a Terrible Punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the Deluge, such as one will never have seen before.

Fire will fall from the sky – and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful.  The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead.

The only arms that will remain for you will be the Rosary and The Sign left by my Son. With the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the Bishops, and the Priests.


A WAR in the Church


“The work of the devil – will infiltrate even into the Church, in such a way that one will see Cardinals opposing Cardinals, Bishops against Bishops.

The Priests who venerate Me – will be scorned and opposed by their confreres…churches and altars sacked, the Church will be full of those who accept compromises, and the demon will press many Priests and Consecrated Souls – to LEAVE the service of the Lord.

The demon will be especially implacable against Souls Consecrated to God. The thought of the loss of so many souls is the cause of My sadness.”

“If Sins increase in number and gravity, there will no longer be Pardon for them.

“With courage, speak to your superior. He will know how to encourage each one of you to pray and accomplish Works of Reparation.”