Sr. Josepha Menendez

The Way of Divine Love - excerpts

Part I

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Part II


Part II

Love transforms the most ordinary actions  – to give them infinite value.

I wish to use mankind’s miseries, weaknesses and faults. When souls find themselves overwhelmed, stymied, yet attribute nothing good to themselves, that very abjectness clothes them with a humility they would not have – if they saw themselves in a better light.

If humbled to the dust, and come to my feet begging for the strength and courage needed, My Heart goes out to them in an inconceivable way, and how marvelously fruitful will I make their labors!

But those souls whose generosity is not equal to works and sacrifices, will see their lives pass by with unfulfilled promises, empty of fruition. Thus to tepid souls who habitually promise, yet do no violence to themselves, nor prove their love bysacrifices, I say: beware, lest this stubble and straw you have gathered into your barns takes fire, or becomes scattered by the impetuous winds.

Yet other souls who begin their days with all the good intentions and pledge their self-sacrifices, yet in the course of the day cannot accomplish it, but speedily acknowledge their weakness in shame, humble them-selves, and renew their promises, these souls please me very much; it is as if they had nothing to regret!

I want to forgive, reign over souls and pardon all nations, ruling over all the world.

My peace must be extended over the entire universe.

I am Wisdom,  Love and Mercy! I am Peace, and I shall reign!

My reign will be one of peace and begin with Compassion for all.

To each I say:

if you seek happiness, you will find it in Me.

If riches, I AM of infinite wealth.

If you desire peace, in Me alone can it be found.

I AM mercy and love, and must be Sovereign King over all My Creation.

I will shower My Mercies on the world to wipe out its ingratitude. To make Reparation for their crimes, I will choose victim souls who will obtain pardon for others. These are generous souls who will sacrifice all they posses that I may use them for My will and good pleasure.

All my longing is to set souls on fire. Alas, they turn from the flame. Suffer with me, that the world may know Me, and souls may come back to Me. It is by suffering that Love will triumph over evil.

I want souls who wish to let My light penetrate into them. I want those children growing up cold and ignorant of the value of your souls to be reborn; to conquer their hearts by My Love, and restore good morals to ennoble them, so men will live not merely for this earth, but for Heaven. I am not against human progress, but wish all to realize how to Unite Divine and Human Knowledge, making the search for earthly goods subservient to what makes men truly happy and souls excel.

I have chosen YOU to help Me in this work of love! I desire YOU to be the fuel for the fire that I want to enkindle throughout the whole earth, for it is useless to light a flame and not provide it fuel. Thus I need a chain of souls whose hearts will be increasingly on fire with love. Such souls possess a love that trusts and chain of souls whose hearts will be increasingly on fire with love.

Such souls possess: a love that trusts and expects everything of My Heart, and will communicate this to the whole world. I will manifest My Will to you. I saved the world through the Cross, by My suffering.

Sin is an infinite offense that requires infinite reparation, thus I ask you to offer up your sufferings and labors united to the infinite merits of My heart.

Take My heart and repair evil by it, and so instill love and trust into the souls that come in contact with you.  Bathe them in My Love and My Blood.  Place Confidence in the Goodness and Mercy of My Heart.  Tell others not to fear, for I AM a God of Love.

I recommend to you 3 Very Special Practices to win souls:

1st — practice of the HOLY HOUR of Adoration which is one way infinite reparation can be offered up to God the Father by the mediation of His Divine Son.

2nd — Devotion of the 5 Paters in honor of My 5 most Sacred Wounds, since through them the world was saved.

3rd – Daily Offering of the Merits of My Heart, as a Constant Union, which gives all your actions infinite value. Unceasingly use My Life, My Blood and My Heart, and confide in it without fear.

This secret is known by few, but I want YOU to know and profit by this practice.

I desire My Love to be the Sun to warm and reanimate souls.

My desire is to Forgive and Save Souls, and not even the most wretched be kept back by fear, nor the most guilty fly from Me. Let them all come, as I await them with open arms in order to impart life and true happiness to them. I am as the most affectionate of fathers.

That the world know my Clemency, I need Apostles who will reveal My Heart, those who know it well themselves.

I desire My Words be sent around the world, as today nations are arousing the wrath of God, Who asks YOU to repair and obtain pardon, and draw Grace upon your countries.

Part III Follows. 



                                                                                    PART III

I desire My Words be sent around the world, as today nations are arousing the wrath of God, Who asks YOU to repair and obtain pardon, and draw Grace upon your countries.  I thus speak to my priests, religious and nuns that all may clearly understand what I require.  I want them to form a LEAGUE OF LOVE – to teach and publish the love and mercy of My Heart to all men

I want the need and DESIRE FOR REPARATION to be re-awakened in My chosen souls, esp. of this nationality, [FR] for the world is full of sin. God asks them to repair, obtain pardon and draw down grace on this country to which I speak, the first to know My Heart and spread devotion to it.

I want the world to be saved, with peace and union to prevail everywhere.  It is My will to reign, and reign I shall, by reparation and a new realization by all men of my Kindness, My Mercy and My Love. My words will be light for an incalculable number of souls. Many men are unable to understand My true feelings. They treat Me as one far away, known only slightly and in whom they have too little confidence.  I want them to live trustingly in My intimacy, loving and beloved. 

As the eldest son knows the mind and secret affairs of his father, in My Church I have elder brothers whom I myself have chosen. They live nearest to Me, have My chosen graces, and to them I confide My secrets, desires and sufferings. If these know Me truly, they will make Me known to others; if they love me, they will make others love me.  I wish to remind my chosen and faithful ones to reanimate their faith, love and trust.

I look for greater intimacy in the way they treat Me. Let them see Me within their own hearts, the Tabernacle of the Holy Spirit, when in state of Grace. Let them consider Who I AM, their God of Love – which triumphs over fear, knowing I love them all. Too many look at their faults and miseries to conclude I have changed, and now love them less than before! They have misunderstood My heart, for it is the destitution and failings that incline My goodness towards them.

When acknowledging themselves humbly, with recourse to Me in trust, then they give Me more glory than before their fault. When praying, if in doubt or wavering, it will not glorify My heart, but if confident of obtaining their desire, then surely I refuse them nothing which is good for their souls.

Few among My consecrated souls have this unshakeable confidence as there are few who really live in intimate union with Me.  Weak souls need renewed urging to advance with both vigor and warmth of love.

Let them not be satisfied with merely conversing with Me in church, where doubtlessly I AM present, but recall that I abide in them, delighting in their union.  Let them speak to Me at every turn, consulting and conversing with Me. Let them focus on My interests and never abandon Me, but give constant companionship. 

Finally, may they combine together to form a League of Love to implore for souls, as one body, their truth, light and pardon. Seeing the deep sorrow and outrages I receive, let them do reparation, and labor at My work in souls. I will not refuse their supplication!

Let them clothe themselves in My merits, My precious Blood poured over their actions, bathed also in My tears, consecrated to the saving of ungrateful souls, thus extending My glory. Laboring in My name, for My glory, they will be powerful! May they beg for the advent of the Divine King and My Universal Sovereignty on earth.  Armed with prayer and penance, but never self, may they continue with their apostolic labors in the power of My all-capable Heart.

Recall the Apostles, whose motto was “Only in the Name of Lord, shall I labor and be all powerful.”

Consecrated Souls must offer Me their 3 Supreme Gifts Reparation for souls, intimate Union & Love for Me, with Confidence in their Jesus Who knows all, loves all and forgives all the humble faithful.

—  The way of Divine Love   by Sr. Josepha Menendez, Poitiers, FR


                                   Sister Josefa Menendez

                                       A Description of Hell

The following material is quoted verbatim from the book “Way of Divine Love” of Sister Josefa Mendez (1890–1923). 

Sister Josefa was a Spanish nun of the Society of the Sacred Heart and lived only 4 years as a religious, at the convent of Les Feuillants in Poitiers, France, where she died at the age of 33. 

“The Way of Divine Loveconsists largely of her notebooks, that she wrote down under obedience from our Lord, with the revelations of his Sacred Heart, plus portions of her biography. This material was composed after Rev. Schouppe wrote his book on Hell.

This young Spanish sister, who had a short religious life of great suffering, experienced revelations throughout much of her life, compiled in The Way Of Divine Love. More than once, she was taken to Hell to witness and feel the suffering first-hand. Sister Josefa was reluctant to write on the subject of Hell, and did so only to conform to Our Lord’s wishes.
Sister Josefa repeatedly dwelt on what she described as the greatest torment of Hell, namely, the soul’s inability to love.
One of these damned souls cried out: “This is my torture…that I want to love and cannot; there is nothing left me but hatred and despair. If one of us could so much as make a single act of love…But we cannot, we live on hatred and malevolence…” (March 23, 1922).
She records, too, the accusations made against themselves by these unhappy souls: “Some yell because of the martyrdom of their hands. Perhaps they were thieves, for they say: ‘Where is our loot now?’ …Cursed hands… Others curse their tongues, their eyes…whatever was the occasion of sin… ‘Now, O body, you are paying the price of the delights you granted yourself!…and you did it of your own free will…'” (April 2, 1922).
“I saw several souls fall into Hell, and among them was a child of 15, cursing her parents for not having taught her to fear God, nor that there WAS a Hell. Her life had been a short one, she said, but full of sin, for she had given in to all that her body and passions demanded in the way of satisfaction…” (March 22, 1923).
My soul fell into abysmal depths, the bottom of which cannot be seen, for it is immense. . . ; Then I was pushed into one of those fiery cavities and pressed, as it were, between burning planks, and sharp nails and red-hot irons seemed to be piercing my flesh.
I felt as if they were endeavoring to pull out my tongue, but could not. This torture reduced me to such agony that my very eyes seemed to be starting out of their sockets. I think this was because of the fire which burns, burns. . . not a fingernail escapes terrifying torments, and all the time one cannot move even a finger to gain some relief, not change posture, for the body seems flattened out and [yet] doubled in two.
Sounds of confusion and blasphemy cease not for an instant. 
A sickening stench asphyxiates and corrupts everything, it is like the burning of putrefied flesh, mingled with tar and sulfur. . . a mixture to which nothing on earth can be compared. . . although these tortures were terrific, they would be bearable if the soul were at peace. But it suffers indescribably. . .
All I have written,” she concluded, “is but a shadow of what the soul suffers, for no words can express such dire torment.” (Sept. 4, 1922).
“Others curse their tongues, their eyes… whatever was the occasion of their sin… ‘Now, O body, you are paying the price of the delights you granted yourself!.. and you did it of your own free will… ‘” (April 2, 1922). (That is, illegitimate delights).
“It seemed to me that the majority accused themselves of sins of impurity, of stealing, of unjust trading; and that most of the damned are in Hell for these sins.” (April 6, 1922).
“I saw many worldly people fall into Hell, and no words can render their horrible and terrifying cries: ‘Damned forever… I deceived myself; I am lost… I am here forever… There is no remedy possible… a curse on me…’
“Some accused people, others circumstances, and all execrated the occasions of their damnation.” (September 1922).
“Today, I saw a vast number of people fall into the fiery pit . . . they seemed to be worldlings and a demon cried vociferously: ‘The world is ripe for me . . . I know that the best way to get hold of souls is to rouse their desire for enjoyment . . . Put me first . . . me before the rest . . . no humility for me! but let me enjoy myself . . . This sort of thing assures victory to me . . . and they tumble headlong into hell.’ ” (October 4, 1923)
“I heard a demon, from whom a soul had escaped, forced to confess his powerlessness. ‘Confound it all… how do so many manage to escape me? They were mine’ (and he rattled off their sins)… ‘I work hard enough, yet they slip through my fingers… Someone must be suffering and repairing for them.'” (January 15, 1923). (“Repairing,” that is, “making reparation” for them).
“Tonight I was transported to a place where all was obscure. . . Around me were 7 or 8 people; I could see them only by the reflections of the fire. They were seated and were talking together. One said: ‘We’ll have to be very careful not to be found out, for we might easily be discovered.’
“The devil answered: ‘Insinuate yourselves by inducing carelessness in them. . . but keep in the background, so that you are not found out. . . by degrees they will become callous, and you will be able to incline them to evil. Tempt these others to ambition, to self-interest, to acquiring wealth without working, whether it be lawful or not. Excite some to sensuality and love of pleasure. Let vice blind them. . . As to the remainder. . .  get in through the heart . . . you know the inclinations of their hearts. . . make them love. . . love passionately. . . work thoroughly. . .  take no rest . . . have no pity. Let them cram themselves with food! It will make it all the easier for us. . .  Let them get on with their banqueting. Love of pleasure is the door through which you will reach them...’
(February 3, 1923).
(Here they used obscene words).
…have no pity; the world must go to damnation.. and these souls must not be allowed to escape me.’
“From time to time Satan’s satellites answered: ‘We are your slaves… we shall labor unceasingly, and in spite of the many who war against us, we shall work night and day. We know your power!’
“They all spoke together, and he whom I took to be Satan used words full of horror. In the distance I could hear a clamor as of feasting, the clinking of glasses… and he cried: ‘Let them cram themselves with food! It will make it all the easier for us… Let them get on with their banqueting. Love of pleasure is the door through which you will reach them…’
“He added such horrible things that they can neither be written nor said. Then, as if engulfed in a whirl of smoke, they vanished.” (February 3, 1923).
“The evil one was bewailing the escape of a soul: ‘Fill her soul with fear, drive her to despair. All will be lost if she puts her trust in the mercy of that…’ (here they used blasphemous words about Our Lord). ‘I am lost; but no, drive her to despair; do not leave her for an instant, above all, make her despair.
“Then Hell re-echoed with frenzied cries, and when finally the devil cast me out of the abyss, he went on threatening me. Among other things he said: ‘Is it possible that such weaklings have more power than I, who am mighty… I must conceal my presence, work in the dark; any corner will do from which to tempt them… close to an ear.. in the leaves of a book… under a bed… some pay no attention to me, but I shall talk and talk… and by dint of suggestion, something will remain.. Yes, I must hide in unsuspected places.'” (February 7, 8, 1923).
Again, she wrote: “Souls were cursing the Vocation they had received, but not followed… the Vocation they had lost, because they were unwilling to live a hidden and mortified life…” (March 18, 1922.
“On one occasion when I was in Hell, I saw a great many Priests, Religious and Nuns, cursing their Vows, their Order, their Superiors and everything that could have given them the light and the grace they had lost…
“I saw, too, some Prelates.
One accused himself of having used the goods belonging to the Church illicitly…”
(Sept. 28, 1922).
“Priests were calling down maledictions on their Tongues which had Consecrated, on their Fingers that had held Our Lord’s Sacred Body, on the Absolution they had given while they were losing their own souls, and on the occasion through which they had fallen into Hell.” (April 6, 1922).
“One Priest said: ‘I ate poison, for I used money that was not my own… the money given me for Masses which I did I not offer.’
“Another said he belonged to a Secret Society which had betrayed the Church and religion, and he had been bribed to connive at terrible profanations and sacrileges.
“Yet another said that he was damned for assisting at profane plays, after which he ought not to have said Mass… and that he had spent about 7 years thus.”
Josefa noted that the greater number of religious plunged into hell-fire were there for abominable sins against chastity… and for sins against the vow of poverty… for the unauthorized use of the goods of the community… for passions against charity (jealousy, antipathies, hatred, etc.), for tepidity and relaxation; also for comforts they had allowed themselves and which had led to graver sins… for bad confessions through human respect and want of sincerity and courage, etc.
Here, finally, is the full text of Josefa’s notes on “the hell of consecrated souls.” (Biography: Ch. VII–Sept. 4, 1922).
“The meditation of the day was on the Particular Judgment of religious souls. I could not free my mind of the thought of it, in spite of the oppression which I felt. Suddenly, I felt myself bound and overwhelmed by a crushing weight, so that in an instant I saw more clearly than ever before how stupendous is the Sanctity of God and His detestation of sin.
“I saw in a flash my whole life since my first confession to this day. All was vividly present to me: my sins, the graces I had received, the day I entered religion, my clothing as a novice, my first vows, my spiritual readings, and times of prayer, the advice given me, and all the helps of religious life. Impossible to describe the confusion and shame a soul feels at that moment, when it realizes: ‘All is lost, and I am damned forever!'”
As in her former descents into Hell, Josefa never accused herself of any specific sin that might have led to such a calamity. Our Lord meant her only to feel what the consequences would have been, if she had merited such a punishment.
She wrote:
“Instantly I found myself in Hell, but not dragged there as before. The soul precipitates itself there, as if to hide from God in order to be free to hate and curse Him.
“My soul fell into abysmal depths, the bottom of which cannot be seen, for it is immense… at once, I heard other souls jeering and rejoicing at seeing me share their torments. It was martyrdom enough to hear the terrible imprecations on all sides, but what can be compared to the thirst to curse that seizes on a soul, and the more one curses, the more one wants to. Never had I felt the like before.
Formerly my soul had been oppressed with grief at hearing these horrible blasphemies, though unable to produce even one act of love. But today it was otherwise.
“I saw Hell as always before, the long dark corridors, the cavities, the flames I heard the same execrations and imprecations, for–and of this I have already written before–although no corporeal forms are visible, the torments are felt as if they were present, and souls recognize each other. Some called out, ‘Hullo, you here?  And are you like us? We were free to take those Vows or not… but no!…’ and they cursed their Vows.
“Then I was pushed into one of those fiery cavities and pressed, as it were, between burning planks, and sharp nails and red-hot irons seemed to be piercing my flesh.”
Here Josefa repeated the multiple tortures from which no single member of the body is excluded:
“I felt as if they were endeavoring to pull out my tongue, but could not. This torture reduced me to such agony that my very eyes seemed to be starting out of their sockets. I think this was because of the fire which burns, burns…
not a finger-nail escapes terrifying torments, and all the time one cannot move even a finger to gain some relief, nor change posture, for the body seems flattened out – and yet doubled in two.
“All this I felt as before, and although those tortures were terrific, they would be bearable if the soul were at peace. But it suffers indescribably. Until now, when I went down into Hell, I thought that I had been damned for abandoning religious life.
But this time it was different.
I bore a special mark, a sign that I was a religious, a soul who had known and loved God, and there were others who bore the same sign. I cannot say how I recognized it, perhaps because of the specially insulting manner in which the evil spirits and other damned souls treated them.
There were many Priests there, too.
This particular suffering I am unable to explain. It was quite different from what I had experienced at other times, for if the souls of those who lived in the world suffer terribly, infinitely worse – are the torments of religious. Unceasingly the 3 words, Poverty, Chastity and Obedience, are imprinted on the soul with poignant remorse.
Poverty: You were free and you promised! Why, then, did you seek that comfort? Why hold on to that object which did not belong to you? Why did you give that pleasure to your body? Why allow yourself to dispose of the property of the Community? Did you not know that you no longer had the right to possess anything whatsoever, that you had freely renounced the use of those things?… Why did you murmur when anything was wanting to you, or when you fancied yourself less well treated than others? Why?
Chastity: You yourself vowed it freely and with full knowledge of its implications… you bound yourself.. you willed it… and how have you observed it? That being so, why did you not remain where it would have been lawful for you to grant yourself pleasures and enjoyment?
And the tortured soul responds: ‘Yes, I vowed it; I was free… I could have not taken the vow, but I took it and I was free…’ What words can express the martyrdom of such remorse,” wrote Josefa, “and all the time the jibes and insults of other damned souls continue.
Obedience: Did you not fully engage yourself – to obey your Rule and your Superiors? Why, then, did you pass judgment on the orders that were given you? Why did you disobey the Rule? Why did you dispense yourself from common life? Remember how sweet was the Rule… and you would not keep it...
and now,” vociferate satanic voices, “you will have to OBEY US – not for a day or a year, or a century, but forever and ever; for all eternity... It is your own doing… you were free.
“The soul constantly recalls how she had chosen her God for her Spouse, and that once she loved Him above all things… that for Him she had renounced the most legitimate pleasures and all she held dearest on earth, that in the beginning of her religious life she had felt all the purity, sweetness and strength of this divine love, and that for an inordinate passion… now she must eternally hate the God who had chosen her to love Him.
“This forced hatred is a thirst that consumes her… no past joys  – can afford her the slightest relief.
“One of her greatest torments is shame, added Josefa. “It seems to her that all the damned surrounding her continually taunt her by saying: ‘That we should be lost who never had the helps that you enjoyed is not surprising… but you… what did you lack? You who lived in the palace of the King… who feasted at the board of the elect.’
“All I have written, she concluded, “is but a shadow of what the soul suffers, for no words can express such dire torments.” (Sept. 4, 1922).