A Stigmatist Messages - 30 Years Running

The life of Luz de Maria has been one guided by God from her birth in a small Central American country: Costa Rica. At present she resides in Argentina. 

She comes from a family with deep Christian roots in which, along  with her siblings, she grows up surrounded by an atmosphere of spirituality, with the Eucharist as the center of her life. Her  youth is spent alongside the presence of her beloved Guardian Angels and of the Blessed Mother who are her companions and confidants. Since then they share with her Heavenly. Manifestations, thus foreshadowing what would materialize little by little years later.  

Along with the development of her professional life, she forms a home which is constituted today of 15 members, who accompany her – as Divine Manifestations begin to take place in her home: such as exudations from  religious images, inexplicable aromas, among others, in this way  making her family and loved ones witnesses of Luz de Maria’s spiritual experience. 

During Holy Week of 1991, the definitive encounter takes place with the Blessed Mother, who announces to her the physical recovery from an  illness Luz de Maria was suffering and receives her in a special way to prepare  her for the encounter with Her Divine Son. So begins a long path  long which  they begin to subtly clarify to Luz de Maria the mission Heaven had designated  for her.   

Thus begins a new stage in her mystic experience, which would  lead her to experience profound ecstasy not only in the presence of her family, but also of people close to her that would later gather to pray, so forming a Cenacle that accompanies her to this day.  

As the years pass, Jesus and the Blessed Mother form her so that she is a useful instrument in the hands of the Divine Potter and so she abandons herself in the Will of the Lord, bearing along with Christ the pain of the Cross that penetrates physically in her body and in her soul.

After a long wait during which Christ and the Blessed Mother gradually prepare her asking her discretion in that period, Heaven orders her to communicate the Divine Word she has received, and continues to receive, to all of humanity. From that moment, Christ opens the way for her and directs her steps wherever the Divine Will desires Heaven’s Call to reach. 

After they give her the Divine Order to make herself known, and under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, she begins to visit various countries, especially those of Latin America, giving radio interviews and conferences open to the public. From there have arisen brothers and sisters desirous of putting into practice the teachings of the Divine Word, forming Cenacles of prayer and praxis of the Gospel, remaining in a constant battle to reach a life full in the fulfillment of God’s Will and the love of neighbor.  

Luz de María begins to perceive that as time goes by, the Word of Christ and of the Blessed Mother takes on a different voice regarding its magnitude and intensity, due to the proximity of the events humanity will face. 

In each Divine Call, however, prevails Love, Mercy and at the same time Divine Justice. A

nd they announce and denounce the reality of the purification of the  human race — a purification that is a fruit of the disobedience of present-day  man and of the mismanagement he has given to advances in all fields, with man thus transforming himself into his own scourge. 

Christ makes known to her the persecution, injustice, defamation and slander – which she will face from those who do not accept these Divine Calls and who  will not tire of persecuting her so as to end this Work, but she accepts,  knowing that as an instrument of Christ she must follow the same path Christ walked on Earth. 

The Blessed Mother is her counselor, and hand-in-hand with the Mother, up to this day, she continues to be a faithful disciple of Christ, living various mystic experiences in which Christ shares His suffering on the Cross.  

Beside her, Priests from several countries have remained who guide her, but as Christ himself tells her” “I am your true spiritual director,” for it is Christ who guides each one of her steps and  all that she does. 

Father Jose Maria Fernandez Rojas, who from the beginning of the manifestations has been beside her as her confessor, has also accompanied her prayer group of which 3 women religious have been an inseparable part since the Cenacle was formed 24 years ago, with one of these women religious having a degree in theology, the most strict observance and analysis of the revealed word has been maintained.


The Mission of Luz de Maria, in total obedience to Christ, is to be an instrument of the Divine Truth in this instant

and to announce and denounce what Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Blessed Mother indicate to her so that the children of God continue to fight for their own conversion and that of all their brothers and sisters, recognizing and strongly battling the evil that surrounds them, and dedicated, continue on the path of Salvation in all aspects of life. 

It is thus that the Divine Word that Luz de Maria receives invites humanity, as children of the same Father, to reach unity of all brothers and sisters, fulfilling the First Commandment and echo of the Call of Christ that calls His People to be one. 


Prior to the moment in which Christ shares His passion with her, Luz de María starts to  perceive a particular state – which makes her recognize in advance the  Manifestation of this wonder, thereafter causing her – to fall into a profound  ecstasy, reflecting a dramatic scene for witnesses due to the  suffering that is not only physical – but spiritual;

wounds in her hands, feet, side of the chest – and the head – became visible, on some occasions tears of blood manifest that emanate an intense perfume that floods the entire room.

As the ecstasy, which can last from one to several hours, comes to an end, the wounds heal regenerating her flesh and skin, remaining only the blood that emanated from these wounds…



OCTOBER 12, 2021

Dearly beloved children of My Sacred Heart, you remain within My Wounds.






Do not blame Me — for what is happening to you, but look at yourselves….

What are you bringing upon yourselves as humanity?
How are you living?
What decisions are you taking?
How do you direct your personal morality: what do you accept and not accept personally within your inner self?

Each one of My children loves themselves naturally, but this generation loves itself in totally disordered fashion. Therefore, you are selfish – and preach in the name of your ego: the point of reference is your ego, the characteristics and examples that you give before your brothers and sisters – have as their point of reference – the inner ego that only loves itself.

My People:





BE HUMBLE: this is lacking in this generation – the humility to accept – that although each person is an individual, you do not live alone, but surrounded by other human beings, with whom I have called you to live in fraternity. 

Creation groans and feels birth pangs, expecting My People – to keep the Faith.





Atomic weapons – the most inhuman weapons ever created by the human being…
Chemical weapons, with which My People will be scourged…
and at this time,

“innovations” unknown to you – the symbol of human arrogance…

Pray, My People, pray, pray,

COLD – will come to a great part of the Earth, penetrating to the bone,

and My children will suffer greatly as a result,

not expecting it and not having the proper preparation

to face the frost.

Pray, My People, pray,

the earth will continue to shake strongly: you will be plunged into suffering.




You know full well that human beings act savagely – when faced with instability.

Humanity will be without communication:  technology will be suspended by the decision of human power on Earth.  Silence and fear will take hold of those who do not love Me and those who do not agree to repent of their evil deeds.

Remain faithful to Me; receive Me in the Holy Eucharist. 

Do not travel along paths contrary to the Commandments, to the Sacraments and contrary to Sacred Scripture. 

This is not the time to interpret My Word according to your personal taste: be faithful to the true Magisterium of My Church.


My people, pray to My Mother the Holy Rosary with special devotion this October 13 (*), offering Me prayer throughout the day – for the following intentions:

In reparation for the sins of humanity.

In petition concerning the suffering of humanity because of its sins and due to nature.

As an offering of expiation by My People – to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother.

My People, you are protected. Unite fraternally without forgetting that My Celestial Legions commanded by St. Michael the Archangel – are guarding you by Divine Will.

My People:




I protect you, I carry you in My Sacred Heart; do not be afraid, evil FLEES before Me.

I bless your senses – so that they would be more spiritual and less worldly.
I bless your hearts – so that they would be soft and not cause pain to your brothers and sisters.
I bless your hands – so that they would do good.
I bless your feet – so that you would follow in My Footsteps.


Do not fear: I protect you.

Your Jesus


(*) On October 13, 1917 the Blessed Virgin Mary in Fatima, Portugal gave humanity the great Miracle of the Sun.


Brothers and sisters:

This is a call to individual conscience as children of Our Lord Jesus Christ: a personal invitation to be fraternal and to wish good to all our brothers and sisters.

To see ourselves inwardly is a great spiritual good that we do ourselves and that will help us to be better towards our brothers and sisters.

This is a serious call, but at the same time the incomparable love of Our Lord gives us the strength to resume or continue our journey with Faith in a better tomorrow. 

Brothers and sisters, at the request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, individually or in your prayer groups, let us pray the Holy Rosary offered for the intentions requested by Our Lord and let us remain in prayer this day, beseeching His Mercy in the face of the events of nature.





OCTOBER 24, 2021

My Beloved People:



Invoke Me day and night (1), in season and out of season, doing the same with My Blessed Mother and the Heavenly Choirs.

Call upon St. Michael the Archangel and the Celestial Legions to protect you and continue to be faithful.

This is the right time for you to repent and to be creatures of Faith before the events appear in front of humanity.




Save your souls: turn away from evil, do not participate in paganism, do not participate in sacrilegious acts, because in the end they are profanations of that which represents Me.

At this moment so many anathemas (2) are invading My House. (Gal 1:8; I Cor 12:3).

Grow spiritually; do not wish your neighbor ill or participate when your brother is being insulted.

I forbid you to participate in persecutions – against your brothers and sisters!!

My children, be fraternal; respect the belongings of your fellow men, without taking part in the vandalism that will arise.

I do not wish to frighten you, but to warn you. Spiritual preparation comes first, then prepare yourselves with food, according to what each of you possesses within your means. I will multiply what My children possess, as long as what you acquire is really what your possibilities allow. 

My dearly beloved People, do not wait for tomorrow, prepare now!

Keep a clean soul and blessed candles, as well as Blessed Grapes and winter clothing.  Have reserves of water, an essential element for life.




Convert, so that what you will face would be more bearable and so that in the midst of shortages you would maintain Faith and Hope.

My beloved People, My Church is heading towards total schism (3): be prayerful souls.

Humanity has been surrendered to the power of evil. 

Pray, children, pray with your heart,

receive Me in the Holy Eucharist,

in Adoration and in the awareness

that I am your God.


Pray, My children, pray, offer up

– fast as each body allows –

so that you may discern the mark of the Beast – and not be confused.

Pray, My children,

pray for Turkey,

it will fall in battle.


Pray, My children, pray, those who pray keep My People standing.

Pray, My children, the Faith is undermined and therefore the destroyers of the Faith are taking courage against My Church, and yet My children are silent.

My Envoy (4) will arrive after the appearance of the Antichrist and My children will recognize him.

Pray, My children, convert now!

The Moment – is on the horizon.

I love you with My Most Sacred Heart. You are not alone: you are My People.

I bless you.

Your Jesus


(1) In the message of 16.06.2010, Our Lord Jesus Christ invites us to invoke Him in this way: Beloved children: at all times during the day – call upon me saying: 

                       Jesus Christ, save me! Jesus Christ, save me! Jesus Christ, save me!

In every moment of temptation, in every moment of dryness, in every moment of worry, in every moment in which you feel far from Me: Jesus Christ, Save Me!

(2) Anathema: term of Greek origin meaning expulsion, to leave outside.  In the New Testament Biblical sense it is equivalent to the excommunication of a person from the community of Faith to which they belong.

(3) About the Schism in the Church…

(4) Explanation concerning God’s Envoy (Pdf) …


Brothers and sisters:

Our beloved Lord Jesus Christ has sent me to urge my brothers and sisters to make reserves of food, medicines that they use daily, water and the medicines that Heaven has given us.

We find ourselves looking towards the horizon of our lives, and in doing so we are seeing how those who are against humanity are approaching. Our Lord tells us this so that we would understand how the events that He has been revealing to us since 2009 are being fulfilled before our eyes.

What is different about this moment is that the times have already accelerated as Heaven forewarned us they would.

“He who has ears, let him hear.” (Mt. 13:9)



Valentina, the Sydney Seer

Sydney, Australia: Valentina Papagna (b. 1946)

Valentina Papagna migrated to Sydney, Australia in 1955 from Slovenia after experiencing difficult times in her early years.

In 1988 – just 2 years after the sudden death of her husband – Valentina began to receive visions and messages from our Lord Jesus and Mary our Blessed Mother.

From this time on, her life changed from being an average Catholic to one more devout.

Valentina is a Roman Catholic in good standing, who has the full support of her Spiritual director and parish priest, Father Valerian Jenko, OFM.

She wishes to share her experiences and messages only to help people come closer to God and to grow in holiness as Jesus and Mary desire.

Now a grandmother, she lives a quiet and simple family life, seeking to avoid publicity for herself, yet compelled to proclaim the messages given to her which she knows is not for herself alone.

Valentina is frequently invited into private homes where in a prayerful family gathering she shares and witnesses to God’s blessings of peace.

Many confirmations attest that lives are changed, hearts touched and people are encouraged to seek God’s grace through this witness.

This is an example of the messages:

Today, Lord Jesus said,

“My child, learn about this present time, that you are living in. Learn from this present life.
Nothing lasts forever, and you gain nothing out of it. 

Only through your ups and downs, and through your sufferings and your crosses, do you possess Eternal Life, which lasts forever. Amen!”

    Today I also greeted Blessed Mother saying, “My dearest Mother and Queen!”

    She said,

“My Dear children, listen to My warnings and to My messages that I have been giving you, for a long time now.

The Times are approaching very fast, and you will experience all kinds of Calamities, and you will be very sorry – that you did not listen to Me.”

    Very seriously, Blessed Mother continued,

“You take the messages with ease, very lightly. You should think about them and take them seriously, because they could be My last messages and My last Warnings to you.”

    Sources: ?com.au/” – –  “Suivre le lien dans la même fenêtre”>Valentina


 Valentina is a MMP Cenacle Leader in her Cathedral of St. Patrick.

Making home visitations and experienceing trips to Pugatory and Heaven are part of her testimony and visions or travels in Spiritual Space with her Guardian Angel or others of the Celestial choirs.

Valentina, Sydney Seer is currently offline.  (10-24-2021)
This came from another website.

Hopefully, it is accurately copied and also her website was not deplatformed.

Messages from Heaven » Valentina Papagna
Originally Posted By:   Valentina-SydneySeer.com.au


This morning while I was praying, about 6:30am, Blessed Mother Mary Most Holy came and said,

“Praise be Jesus, My daughter.   May He be praised now and forever.”

“Love my Son, Valentina, and tell Him that you love Him, and in that way, you will console Him as the world really rejects Him.  The world offends My Son so much.”

Blessed Mother Mary Most Holy then said,

“I come to bring you sad news.   China is preparing for war.

Soon, it will happen.  It is not far away, but at the door,” She said.

“They Hate their neighbouring countries, but mostly the Western world; these countries are Australia, America and England.

These countries have decided to build submarines to defend themselves, but that will take long years to do.”

“But what China is preparing, this is very close.”

She said, “The Governments know something about this, but they keep it a secret from the people.”

“When this war happens, there will be a lot of blood spilt and death and destruction.

But tell people not to give up hope.

After this Horrible War, My Immaculate Heart Will Triumph, and God will send on earth a Period of Peace (FATIMA?) for humanity,”

“People are worried about the Coronavirus, but that is nothing – compared to this war.

After this war, people will change dramatically.

They will become more humble, more appreciative in life, and life will be more simple.”


“Now, the world is very sinful and very spoilt.

All this will change.
This is our Warning.”

“Pray and ask God for His Mercy, and if people respond and change and repent of their sins, this can all still be Stopped,” She said.


While Blessed Mother was telling me about this coming war, I could see in a vision many helicopters flying very low in the air.

You could almost touch them; that is how low they were. The sky was so full of them that they looked like grasshoppers.

I presume they were army helicopters. Their exterior was a mixture of light to dark shades of brown, with an extra-long tail, unlike regular helicopters we see flying now.

They looked like robots, quite horrible looking.

People should humble themselves and start praying and ask for God’s Mercy.

Blessed Mother also gives us hope. If ALL the people pray for this, then the war can be Stopped.

Lord have mercy on us, and on the whole world!


End of the Age Futurism

Vision 2004


Gottfried von Werdenberg July – August 1995

NOTE: Although the words were written some years ago, they still contain valuable information.

The events prophesied have not yet happened, or have not happened in the years forecast.
But, please, realise many forecasted events have been postponed some 4 or 5 years because of the prayers of many.
That makes it clear the first events given below will come soon.

No prophecy is complete as to future events, and this prophecy is no exception.

Although some cosmic events are named, the Great Warning is not expressly mentioned.
Neither is spoken about the Great Miracle, nor the reign of the Antichrist.
The transition to the happy state on the New Earth is only described superficially.

This prophecy concentrates on the events of the War, preceding (and following ?) the Great Warning, mainly in Europe.


An extraordinary Seer is living in Austria.  All that he has prophesied to date has happened.  Very many people bear witness to this fact.  He sees himself in a situation whereby he experiences the coming years, the Third World War, the cosmic events, and the first few years of the coming epoch of Genesis.  He saw all of it like a film before his eyes.  The Seer’s name will not be given; he shies publicity and does not want visits from curiosity seekers.


  • The collapse of the Reichsbruecke (bridge) in Vienna;
  • The nuclear disaster of Harrisburg, U.S.A.;
  • The nuclear catastrophe at Chernobyl, Russia;
  • The dissolution of the Soviet Union;
  • The fall of the Berlin Wall and German reunification;
  • The Middle East War (against Iraq);
  • Civil War in Yugoslavia

Even the period given was correct.  [Peraps then,] his other visions will also come true during the next few years.  We do not publish excerpts from the book to frighten our readers but to warn and prepare them.  Those who did not want to believe the Prophets of the Old Testament (and in our century the messages of Our Blessed Lady and Our Lord, Jesus Christ) but preferred to continue their sinful life, found out the hard way what it meant to ignore God.  We live in a world worse than theirs. Satan is taking God’s children to Hell.

Most people, incl. our Priests, do not believe in private relations, not even in Fatima(!!). Therefore prophecies will have no bearing on their life-style or on their actions. 

Those who will insist on ridiculing prophecy will experience the truth of it, quicker than they think.

When one considers the forecasts for the years 2000,  2020 and 2050, of how many people will inhabit the earth – one can only smile.  It is complete madness to tell us how many tons of food and energy mankind will  consume, the thousands of miles of roads to be built and the pollution that will be created.  Nothing of this kind will happen. 

God creates His own future for mankind.

We are living in the Age of the Apocalypse

It commenced in 1945, the year of the first atomic bomb.  Even the Vatican considers that year as the beginning of the end of time.  The early part was 1945 to 1986 (Chernobyl explosion); the peak period is from 1988 to 1999.  Thereafter comes the late period, the era of harmony and love for one’s neighbor.

It is interesting to note that animals anticipate major disasters.

For example: the horses refused to pull the carriage of the Crown Prince of Austria when he and his wife departed for a visit to Sarajevo in 1914. The horses could not be made to move.  Finally, one managed to obtain an automobile to get the Prince to the station on time.  During the visit, he and his wife were assassinated by the Serbs.  The First World War was the consequence.

Another case:  the Palace of Justice in Vienna was destroyed by fire in 1972.  Three days before, all the pigeons which used the Palace as their ‘home’, had deserted the place.

They say that London will sink into the sea – when the crowns at Tower Bridge will disappear.  One wouldn’t laugh if one knew how close this event is.


There will not be an energy crisis, political or otherwise, in the near future in Middle and West Europe.  However, do not depend on oil or gas. Coal and Wood will celebrate a comeback

Before the Third World War begins, Russia will cut supplies of gas and oil to other nations.  In addition, there will be a 2nd military conflict in Saudi Arabian region – before World War III.  There will not be another Chernobyl disaster before World War III.  The energy crisis will come, however, before World War III.


Small farm-holders should not sell. They will be safe.  Today’s policy of “chemical [treatment]” will not last long.  ONLY THOSE LIVING IN THE COUNTRY WILL SURVIVE THE WAR.  Happy are those who will have a small farm.


Germany, France, Italy, but also England have many foreign subjects.  Many countries will experience public unrest, a kind of civil war.  Shortly before the outbreak of World War III, many people from East Europe and South East Europe will pour into West Europe.  Islamic members will grow in strength and confront Christianity.


Germany’s economic power will come to an end.  The ‘economic miracle’ will be finished for ever.  Germany will not recover economically before World War III.  She will bleed.  She cannot cope with her position as the treasurer for the whole world, the cost of her reunification, and the recession to come.  Taxation will become unbearable for her people; the standard of living will fall, and the economy will become desolate.


The Czech and Slavic countries will remain stable until World War III. They will not suffer events like those currently going on in the former Yugoslavia.  However, they will suffer very much during World War III.


The current civil war will finish shortly before World War III, probably with the help of foreign participation.


Poland will suffer a grave, armed conflict in the near future, probably in the South.  The reason is not known.  It might be connected with the civil unrest in neighbouring nations: e.g. in Germany.  Political stability and peace have finally ended.


From the mid-90’s onwards, inflation will rise in Europe, but there will not be a complete currency collapse.  The economic and monetary bankruptcy will come before the civil wars and merge without problems into World War III.


Russia will remain politically stable, materialistic, and atheistic. People who keep saying that Russia is beginning to be converted, as Our Blessed Lady stated at Fatima, show complete ignorance and confused mind. Together with other global powers, Russia will remain godless.  Even the increasing number of Christians will not change this fact.  The real conversion of Russia comes after World War III.  This is the only true meaning of the Message of Fatima.  Military leaders will take over power in Russia before World War III.

The youth in Western Europe have no interest in joining the armed forces. This will have grave consequences in the coming war.  Governments should provide powerful and effective defenses, efficient protection against pollution, and a restrictive policy for foreign subjects.  U.S. forces will withdraw completely from Europe, thus making matters easier for the Russians.  The chaos will be perfect.  [Setting for the great Warning ?]

The decade of the 90’s belongs also to Satan.  The destruction of children and youth by an awful school system, drugs, pornography, sex education, etc. will continue.  Immorality is flourishing, family values are ridiculed, bad examples (e.g. pop and film stars) are idolised.  Socialism will gain strength again, especially the influence of the extreme left will grow.


China is the only exception economically.  She will continue to grow.  A clever leadership will use the one-billion people.  Their demands are very modest; cheap labor in agriculture and industry combined with modern Western technology provide huge profit for China which she will use to strengthen her armed forces with modern weapons.  China will become a super-power and, like Japan, it has a homogeneous population which is very beneficial  for a nation, unlike the Western nations and Russia where many foreign nationals and ethnic minority groups live.



It will be beautiful summer’s day in Austria; no cloud to be seen in the sky. People in the village are excited; they look towards the sun which begins to darken.  It is approximately 10 o’clock normal time, not summer time. Whilst the sun is getting darker, dust is covering earth.  It is not the usual solar eclipse but a kind of fog in the universe far outside of our atmosphere.

The sky is getting darker.  At first there are only a few stars, then more and more appear.  One is able to see them at first in the west, then in the north.  There are no stars in the east and in the south where the sun was last seen.  There is no moon.  It is a normal clear sky illuminated by the light of the stars.  One is still able to identify the ground, but one cannot read any writing.

Suddenly the stars disappear.  Complete darkness is covering the earth.  A few minutes pass; now it is getting brighter.  One is able to see the surrounding area.  There is no sun.  Billions of white dots can be observed in the East.  It is like a rain of glowing fire – moving from East North East to West South West very quickly.  It is hitting the ground like a heavy fall of hail.  The glow turns from white to yellow then to glowing red before hitting the ground.  They fall in distances of 50m (165 ft.) to 100m (330 ft.) apart; they make no noise.

When they hit the ground they look like dust particles or grains of sand. Some are as big as a child’s fist.  The villagers do not seek cover; they do not appear to be afraid.  The time between the sighting of the particles in the north east and their hitting the ground is a matter of seconds, maximum a minute or so.

Once the particles hit the ground, it becomes bright again.  A fierce storm begins to blow now from the east and creates fire; it drives before it the fierce fire.  The grass is burning; forests are burning; fields are burning; barns, sheds, and farm buildings are on fire; houses and factories are burning, too.  The sun will not shine again on this day.

The cause of the rain of glowing fire might be a comet, directly or indirectly responsible for it.  The seer is unable to tell.  The time of year is the summer, PROBABLY THE FIRST HALF OF AUGUST.  The year is not given but it could be any year from 1995 onwards.


The destruction of New York will not be part of World War Three. 


The seer can’t give the year (God has His own reason).  New York is destroyed by the hatred of Islamic-Arab circles.  It is probably connected with the U.S. engagement in the second – and still to come – Middle East war; but in any case it is done in reply to something that the Americans have done to the Arabs.  THE SEER HAS SEEN THE DESTRUCTION OF NEW YORK IN ALL DETAILS.

It is beautiful early summer weather in Austria.  It could be noon.  The year is not known, but it is speculated (based on indications) that IT COULD BE 1998, PLUS OR MINUS A YEAR, BUT REMEMBER, THIS IS ONLY SPECULATION.

NEW YORK WILL BE DESTROYED BY SEVERAL SMALL NUCLEAR DEVICES, ONE OF THEM COULD BE A SMALL ATOMIC BOMB.  The main nuclear device is probably launched from a ship; the missile will fly in a curve and explode behind a large building facing the sea.  Buildings will not collapse immediately.  The waves created by the nuclear explosion, will shift whole buildings; some may lean a few degrees.  However, the result is that they will break up at the base.  If one watched the spectacle from the sea, IT WOULD SEEM AS IF THE SKYSCRAPERS WERE WALKING TOWARDS THE SEA BUT SLOWLY DISAPPEARING INTO THE GROUND.

Manhattan will be flattened completely.  New York’s suburbs will not be harmed, only New York’s centre will be destroyed.

Radio and television in Europe will report the events.  Words will not be minced.  People will say that what the Americans did to the Arabs was abominable, but to destroy New York is going too far.

The destruction of New York will have no consequences for Europe, where no eminent signs of a forthcoming war are visible.


The rain of glowing fire can considered a warning that World War Three is close.  The same applies to the destruction of New York.  Even the armed conflict in the Middle east which will take place on Arabian soil and include Saudi Arabia, but does not involve nuclear weapons, is a sign of a major war to come.  The U.S.A. will invade Saudi Arabia’s oil area but will be defeated.

Prior to WW3 there will be war in Africa, from the North to the South. The fate of South Africa is not known, but people are warned not to emigrate to South Africa.  ONLY THE WEST OF THE AFRICAN CONTINENT WILL SURVIVE RELATIVELY UNSCATHED.

Before World War Three, power in Europe is held by the radical left. Bolshevism and Communism celebrate a renaissance.  Christendom and Church suffer persecution by leaders of the extreme left, ESPECIALLY IN ITALY AND FRANCE.

The multi-national society will show its multinational crimes.  Attacks, theft, murder, drugs, rape, will be daily occurrences.  There will be civil war in France, Italy, and England.  Germany will suffer a similar situation, also countries in Northern Europe.  BOHEMIA (THE CZECH AND SLOVAC NATIONS) WILL REMAIN STABLE.

The energy crisis will reach its peak before World War Three.

Shortly before the outbreak of World War Three, millions of people from the East and South East of Europe will flood West European Nations.

The chaos in Europe begins approximately at the same time, or shortly after, the American forces have completed the greater part of their withdrawal from Europe.


Immorality, the absence of love for one’s neighbour, and a refusal to serve in the armed forces will reign supreme.  War in West Europe is the punishment for it all.

Russia will be ruled again by an authoritarian red regime.  They will reassure the West of their “peaceful co-existence”, and many West Europeans will be blinded by it.


There will be no war in Central Europe (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) until… 1998.  Most likely it will be 1999.

First it will be Austria’s turn, then Germany’s, then Switzerland’s; this is certain.  THE MILITARY CONFLICT WILL BE FINISHED AT THE TURN OF THE CENTURY.  Cosmic events, like the fall of comets, and earthquakes may last a little longer.

The military conflict will last approx. 2 years; somewhat less in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.  The Russians will first occupy Austria for her strategic importance.  There will be very little resistance by the Austrians.  The U.S.A. will not intervene.  The Russians will steal what they can so as to keep their troops fed.  Any resistance will be useless. When the civil war in Italy reaches its peak, Russia will invade it.

Approximately at the time of the Russian occupation of Austria, civil war will rage at its worst in Italy and France ruled over by godless extreme left-wing governments. 

THE CLERGY IS BEING PERSECUTED.  There will be mass murder and violent plunder.

The social outcasts, the mob, are a danger for all countries which share borders with France and Italy.  These murdering and plundering hordes show no mercy.  They will also destroy Rome, and Paris, set alight by the mob, will burn like a torch.  In any event due to the war, large cities and towns will be destroyed more or less.  SURVIVAL IS ONLY POSSIBLE IN THE COUNTRY AND IN SMALL VILLAGES.

The FIRST NUCLEAR WEAPON will be used in Europe in the Mediterranean.

Many nuclear bombs will be exploded high in the sky above the Adriatic Sea, from the North to the South.  The consequences are, of course, major flooding in that area.  Shock waves can be felt in Austria and Germany.

The nuclear attacks by the Russians in the Adriatic Sea and later in the North Sea, are meant solely for the destruction of enemy ships operating there.  There will also be a war in the Balkan countries, from Albania to Bulgaria to Turkey.  However, the Russians will lose the battles.

China will help Europe, indirectly and with great reluctance.  Chinese troops will fight the Russians in Central Europe.  On their way to Europe, the Chinese will conquer South Russia, and their many, small tanks will be superior to the Russian tanks.  The Russian troops will be defeated.

The European population is suspicious, but they do not hate the Chinese; they hate the Russians.

At first, the Chinese and Russians, will fight each other with conventional weapons in Lower Austria and in the Czech Republic, north of the Danube.  The front will be broken three times.  Many, many people will die as a result of the tank battles which will destroy the whole era.  No stone will be left unturned in Lower Austria and in the Czech Republic.

A similar fate will be experienced by other nations worldwide. 

The U.S.A. and Canada will be devastated…

As the war progresses, Russian troops will invade Western Europe.  The latter has no real resistance to offer against the Russian.  The total defeat of Germany by the Russians is avoided only with the aid of Germany’s space vehicle.  It is able to remain suspended in space, and is equipped with a revolutionary engine, electromagnetic gun and a machine that can fire lightning bolts.  This space vehicle is superior to what the Russians have, and can destroy even the most modern missiles.

By now, half of Europe and half the world is a heap of rubble

Now the Americans decide to help Europe. 

 Gigantic battles will take place with the most horrific weapons systems.  AT LEAST one nuclear battle will take place in the North Sea.  All countries bordering the North Sea, will be affected.

Gigantic waves will flood England, Belgium, Holland, North Germany, and Denmark.  The sea waves, caused by a Russian nuclear explosion in the North Sea, are more than 75 m (250 feet) high.  They spread quickly and grow even more.  Their power is fierce, and they do not only destroy London but also large parts of Southern England.

Back to Central Europe.  The Czech Republic is a neutral nation. Nevertheless, Russia will occupy her, and the nuclear battles will destroy the whole nation.  Hell reigns in the western part of the Czech Republic. Nuclear and neutron bombs are used by the Russians and the Chinese in their first encounter.  The second battle is even worse.  The Chinese are trying to encircle the Russian forces, which are trying to escape to the north.

The vibration of the multiple nuclear explosions can be felt everywhere in Central Europe.  Whole mountain ranges are removed and flattened, in order to defeat the enemy.  One cannot describe the satanic brutality of the war.

A sulphur-yellow glowing fire rises above the West of the Czech Republic; it is perhaps the result of the exploded neutron bombs.  Then follows a short, powerful, white-yellow explosion which throws fire high in the sky. The fleeing Russians may have detonated their nuclear weapons STORED IN THE CZECH COAL MINES. 

This is the last explosion in the Czech Republic, for NOW THE CRUST OF THE EARTH SPLITS OPEN.

The first eruption high into the sky shows the Crucified Lord, animated, with  His Wounds.  The world will shout: “There is a God!”

Our Lord remains suspended in the sky, then slowly He takes on the form of a birch-tree (this has a special meaning, as a prophecy was made in Germany centuries ago in connection with a birch-tree).

Now tons of lava, stones, and debris are ejected into the air covering areas more than 100 km (63 miles) away from the centre.  The city of Prague will be covered completely by it, and nobody will be able to say in the future where Prague once stood.


 Nothing will remain standing on earth, but God will preserve some homes.

Immense quantities of poisonous gas are freed.  It will rise into the atmosphere and biosphere and create three, and more, days of darkness. The air is poisoned for days, but winds will drive the poisonous clouds to the East.

However, the war is not yet over, although one is fighting now with moderate means.  The Russians are now on the run. 

European countries form a new army made up of volunteers.  The Russians are hated for this holocaust which they started.  Discipline and moral are gone in the Russian forces. 

They are wiped out completely.  Not one Russian will see his homeland again.

Russia collapses.  The Communist leaders are being killed, and their historic guilt is now washed in the blood of millions of innocent dead people.

Survivors worldwide have nothing left.  Of 6 Billion people on earth, approximately 600 Million will be chosen to survive.  This is more than enough for our devastated planet.


After the war, there will be no hatred between nations.  Old historic borders will be established again, peacefully, so as to form homogenous nations

The multi-national society is finished. 

The Pope will give Germany an Emperor.  She will be given back all German-speaking countries and German lands in the North, South, East and West.  Even Austria and Switzerland voluntarily belong to the new German empire. Poland will return parts of Poland to Germany but will be given back her land in the East from Russia.  The Chinese will be given part of Siberia, and Italy – after a battle which she will lose – must return South Tirol to Austria.

All religious sects will be united in a cleansed and renewed Christendom; it will unite all nations in peace – but without merging them and their cultures.

[This should be a reunification into CATHOLICISM.]

The Church will no longer be a worldwide, powerful institution.  Popes will no longer exist in the future.  Christendom, in its purest form, will enter the hearts of the survivors, and will not be used as an excuse for oppression and exploitation.

[The Papal succession WILL continue, at least through one true Pope, the true successor to John-Paul II, Peter II, or “Petrus Romanus”.]

Due to cosmic events – a collision between earth and another space body – the North Pole and  South Pole – will move to a new position

Earth will not be stable for some time to come because of minor earthquakes.

The Austrian seer has seen all this very clearly.  His is the only prophecy to date with so much detail.  The whole world will be in uproar. It will be useless to search for a safe haven abroad.  Even New Zealand and Australia, and some South American countries cannot be recommended. The law of the jungle will reign there, too, apart from a possible Chinese occupation of New Zealand and Australia.

In conclusion, the seer saw quite clearly the second Middle East conflict; the wars in Africa; civil war in European countries (France; Italy); similar unrest in England and Germany, also in other countries; a nuclear battle over the Adriatic Sea, and vast flooding as its consequence…

And … a nuclear battle in the North Sea, as gigantic flooding in the countries that border the North Sea; the burning of Paris; wild, lawless hordes from Italy and France threatening Austria, Switzerland, and Germany; the occupation of Austria, Italy, and the Balkans by Russia; war in the Balkans; great destruction in Hungary; battles in Central Europe; the Invasion of Germany and Western Europe by Russia; Russian and Chinese battles…

And … two nuclear battles in the Czech Republic; its escalation; the earth crust splits open; darkness on the earth; final battles in Germany and Poland; complete destruction of the Russian forces; Germany becomes an empire and is reunited with all her former lands; Russia collapses; just to mention the most important events to come, not necessarily in that order.

It is important to note that World War Three will be a chaotic event, less disciplined and organised than World War Two.  Civil wars are interspersed with the international war

All this leaves one with the impression that everybody will be fighting everybody.  Do not forget the nonsense of esoteric groups and other sects that people from earth will be evacuated into space by aliens [Maitreya group].  Can you imagine an evacuation of some six billion people into space?

Compared with World War One and World War Two, God will select the survivors HimselfAll bad and evil people will die; but even the good ones will die.  Yet they have nothing to fear as their life will continue in Heaven.  The seer himself was clinically dead once, and can confirm life hereafter.

God is going to cleanse His earth which, after all, is part of His Kingdom.


How much radioactive dust and poison will remain on earth after WW3 has not been revealed.  Fact is that, after the war, there will only be healthy people on earth including those cured by God during the Great Chastisement.  No one will speak of nuclear poison.

So one must assume God will also cleanse the earth from all poison, so that survivors can be engaged in farming and handicraft. 

The people will be very happy, BUT THEIR STANDARD OF LIFE WILL BE PUT BACK TO THE STANDARD OF AROUND 1800 AD, i.e., no electricity, gas, oil, industry, television and radio, telephone, newspapers, motorcars, etc. etc. 

It would not be possible without God’s help to till the soil and survive, for mankind will have poisoned the earth for years to come.

The climate will change, too, in Central Europe.  It will become warmer, similar to the current climate in the North of Italy.  In the valleys, survivors will be able to grow citrus fruits.  Snow will only be on mountain tops.

The world will move apart again.  Distances become important again.  There will be no aircraft that will carry passengers to other lands.  Tourism is dead for some time to come.  There just is no public transport. 

It is back to horse and carriage.

The golden era has begun

 People will live in harmony and on a higher spiritual level than before.

End Time Survivor Promises


the 7 Promises from Jesus to End Times Survivors

Book of Rev.


To the victor I will give the right to Eat from the Tree of Life that is in the Garden of God. (Rev 2:7)

The victor shall not be harmed by the second death. (Rev 2:11)

To the victor I shall give some of the hidden Manna; I shall also give a White Amulet upon which is inscribed a New Name… (Rev 2:17)

To the victor, who keeps to my ways until the end,
I will give Authority over the Nations. (Rev 2:26)

The victor will thus be dressed in White, and I will never erase his name from the Book of Life, but will acknowledge his name in the presence of My Father and of his Angels. (Rev 3:5)

The victor I will make into a Pillar in the Temple of My God, and he will never leave it again. On him, I will inscribe the Name of My God and the Name of the City of My God. (Rev 3:12)

I will give the victor the right to sit with Me on My Throne… (Rev 3:20)


JohnLeary.com - writer of many books who lectures on East Coast

Tues, June 1, 2021: (St. Justin)
Jesus said:

“My people,

I know there are many evil people with cold hearts in the world. 

I am trusting in My faithful to bring My Word and grace to melt these cold hearts with your love and care for ALL people – both good and bad. 

When difficulties come in your health, or your things, call on Me to help you, and DO NOT be downcast or depressed. 

Christians need to be JoyfulALL of the time – because you CAN Trust in Me. 

Do not let worries, anxieties, or fears affect you – because they are from the evil one. 

Trust in ME, and do not doubt about how I will care for you. 

Know that I will see to your needs – because I love ALL of you.”


Thursday, July 8, 2021

Jesus said:

“My people,

every time you hear the word ‘famine’ in your readings, =you are reminded of the famine that will come upon America.

You will see a time when your electricity will be shut down – possibly from a hacker attack, or another source, such as an EMP attack.

In any event – you may see – a long duration of NO Electricity.

For a long time in My messages, I have warned you to even store up – 1 Year’s supply of Food – for each household member. This may not be possible for some people, who either cannot afford this much food, or they may not have enough room to store so much food.

Because of these restraints, I have been asking people – to at least store — 3 MONTHS — of FOOD.

You may be starving – or looking for food desperately — if you do not Heed My Words!

If you are found short of food and water – before you come to My refuges, I will multiply what you have, if you have Faith — that I can do this for you.

I am always watching out for My people, just as I fed the Israelites in the desert, and Joseph’s people in the famine.

Trust in Me to provide for you, because I love you so much.”


Prayer group:

Jesus said:

“My people,

I keep giving you signs of My coming Great Warning, because I told you I would bring My Warning before the next deadly virus – or any other danger to your lives.

When I bring My Warning, your soul will travel through a tunnel to My Light.

There you will have your life review, your mini-judgment, and a taste of your Destination.

You need to come to frequent Confession, at least monthly, in preparation for My Warning.”


Jesus said:

“My people,

you remember how the 1-World people had an Event 201 meeting – to plan how to deal with a pandemic virus. Then about 3 months later, you saw Covid-19 virus spread all over the world.

So now these same evil people – are planning an electric grid shutdown.

This could mean you could soon see an actual electric grid shutdown sometime after this meeting.

I will call My people to My refuges before such an attack.”


Jesus said:

“My people,

when your electric grid is shut down by hackers, an EMP attack, or any natural destruction, you would see your economy shut down.

Unless you have generators working, your water would stop, your gasoline pumps would not work, your banks and internet would stop, and your cell phones would not work.

This is why your economy is so vulnerable to losing electricity.

A shutdown of your electricity would cause a major chaos – as food and water would be hard to find.

Be prepared — with at least 3 Months — or more — of Food & Water.

If necessary, I will multiply what you have, and I will call My Faithful to My refuges.”


Jesus said:

“My people,

China and Russia want to obliterate America – with an EMP attack – using only a few well-placed atomic bomb weapons

These countries do not want to start a nuclear war – to cause a nuclear winter, but they are willing to risk an EMP attack on your main cities.

Bombs exploded high in the air – would stop your communications, your grid, and even your cars would not work.

Only My Refuges would be protected from such destruction.

None of your internet devices will work at My refuges, so be prepared for a new way of living.”


Jesus said:

“My people,

I am not giving you the time of My Warning, but you could see some events – an electricity shut down, or a deadly virus released — soon.

Before any of these deadly threats come to My faithful, I will give My Great Warning so people will have a last chance to change their lives – before they could see some events as an electricity shutdown, or a deadly virus released soon.

Before any of these deadly threats come to My faithful, I will give My Warning so people will have a last chance to change their lives – before they might die.

Trust in My Protection, because I will call you to My refuge — before your lives are threatened.”


Jesus said:

“My people,

you will see some people die as martyrs for their Faith, and some could die from the coming deadly virus and plagues.

I will call most of My faithful to the safety of My Refuges – during the Tribulation of the Antichrist.

I will cleanse the earth of all of the evil people and demons.

Then – I will renew the earth + bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.

Trust in Me – that even My Martyrs will be resurrected + brought into My Era of Peace as well.

Keep your souls pure – with frequent Confession,

and you will have your reward in My Era of Peace, and later in Heaven.”


Friday, July 9, 2021:

Jesus said:

“My people,

I mentioned in a previous message how some of My faithful may be Martyred for their Faith during the Great Tribulation.

I also have given you messages of how I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace on earth, after I cleanse the evil ones and renew the earth.

You have read in the Book of Revelation  –

how all of those, who were beheaded, would be resurrected and live in My Era of Peace.

So truly, all of My faithful will have their reward in My Era of Peace, if they were martyred, or not.

So have no fear of the evil ones in this age, because all of the evil ones will be cast into hell.

My Faithful will be protected at My Refuges – during the Tribulation of the Antichrist.

Later, you will be joined – in My Era of Peace – where you will live a long time.”




Jesus said:

“My people,

I have warned My faithful – NOT – to take Covid Vaccine shots – because it would ruin their immune system.

This problem has been confirmed by noted doctors who are also warning your people not to take the vaccine shots.

Now you are seeing stories that the unvaccinated people may be coerced into getting the shots by the military coming door to door. 

In Canada you are hearing stories about building detention centers to house those people who refuse to take the shots.

If – the military intends to threaten your lives, if you do not get the shots, then I will make your house invisible, or I will call you to My refuges of protection.

Threatening your freedoms over these poison shots is against your Constitution – to force this upon you when there are not many dying from the Covid virus.

Pray for My Angel of Protection – if you feel threatened.

The evil ones want to kill as many people as possible with these poison shots — that could eventually kill you.

Refuse these shots – even if they threaten to kill you.”

Private Revelation.
Please Discern.


Tuesday, October 12, 2021:

Jesus said:

“My people,

you are seeing Earthquakes in Alaska and Hawaii, along with eruptions of Volcanoes in Hawaii and the Canary Islands. There have been some Tsunami warnings, but nothing very significant.

You will be seeing more serious events coming as continuing punishment for your Abortions and sexual sins.

The people are not repenting of their sins, and they are not changing their evil ways, so you will see more destruction.

I have warned people – many times – to have 3 MONTHS of FOOD on hand – for each family member.

You also need to have same for Water on hand.

You will be seeing more food shortages and empty shelves in your stores.

You could be without food and go hungry if you do not heed My words.

Before the next deadly virus is released, I will bring My Warning, and after the Conversion time, I will call My believers to My refuges.

Have your souls ready with Monthly Confession, and your Backpacks ready – to leave for the protection of My refuges.

You will see Events get worse, so be prepared.

You can use the Good Friday Oil and the Exorcism Water to heal the vaccinated people.

Later at the refuges you will be Healed of any sickness by looking on My Luminous Cross.

Trust in My protection and call on My Angels to deal with any evil attack.”


Monday, October 11, 2021: (St. John XXIII)

Jesus said:

“My people,

this is an Evil Generation also, just as I spoke of the people of My day. Truly the only sign I will give, is the sign of Jonah.

This evil is calling out for My Justice because the evil ones are forcing their evil, poisonous Covid Shots on everyone.

It is so bad, that I am pouring out My graces over the people to Heal My faithful if they believe in My healing power.

I will heal the vaccinated people at My Refuges, and I will heal them with the Good Friday Oil or when they drink the Exorcism Water.

You can use these means to pray over the vaccinated people who have complications from receiving the mandated Vaccines.

This is why I am pouring out My healing graces, as in the vision.

I will be separating My faithful from the evil ones at My Refuges, and there will be Martyrs who do not get to My Refuges.

Pray for the vaccinated people — that they can get blessed before they die — from the mandated Covid shots. Trust in Me to heal and protect My faithful.”


Jesus said:

“My people,

you are dealing with an Evil Government which will use viruses and vaccines to control your people.

You will first see more Persecution of the UNvaccinated people.

Then these evil ones will try to force Covid Booster shots, that are more deadly, on the vaccinated people.

More people will get sick – and they will use this to cause another Shutdown.

This is when you will have your churches closed again.

For a while you will only be able to have Holy Communion from priests doing private Masses.

You may not have Mass on the internet for very long. Before they release the next deadly virus, I will bring My Warning and Conversion Time (6 Weeks).

After this, I will call My faithful to My refuges, where My angels will bring you daily Holy Communion, or you will have a priest for daily Mass and Holy Communion.

Trust in Me, because I will find a way for you to be with Me, despite any future Shutdowns.”


Saturday, October 9, 2021:

Jesus said:

“My people,

I have asked you to have the proper quote from the Bible for the violence you are seeing in the vision.

(Thessalonians 5:3) ‘For when they say ‘peace and security’ even then sudden destruction will come upon them, as birth pangs upon her who is with child, and they will not escape.’

You are seeing the evil ones trying to kill many people with their poisonous viruses and vaccines.

It is so evil to try and force toxic shots on everyone.

So far they are only threatening your job, but a time is coming when these evil ones will threaten your life for a shot,

and then they will try to force the Mark of the Beast on everyone.

I keep telling you — when the evil ones will threaten your lives to take a shot and the mark of the beast,

I will call you to My refuges.

Refuse to take any Covid shots or flu shots, and amAbsolutely REFUSE the Mark of the Beast.

(Gel Chip)

Soon I will bring My Warning and Conversion Time so sinners will have a choice to follow Me or the world.

I will have My Angels bring you to My refuges after the Conversion Time. (6 Weeks)

Trust in Me because this Day of Judgment is coming quickly, and you need to be ready to bring your Backpack or roller board to My Refuge.”

(Rosemarie Tummler intention)


Jesus said:

“My people,

you are seeing the most important treasure of all – when you receive Me into your heart and soul at Holy Communion time.

I am worth more than any of your material things, so see Me and Eternal Life with Me as your life’s goal.

Some people are distracted by their love for sports or a love of being rich with life’s pleasures.

Spending time with Me in your Prayers and at Mass, are the highlights of your day.

Those people, who make Me the center of their life, will be more richly rewarded in Heaven, that is far more valuable than anything in this temporary world.

Trust in Me to Protect You from Harm, and be prepared when I call My People to My Refuges.”

(Rosemarie Tummler told me to rejoice with her because she is now with Jesus in heaven.)


Sunday, October 10, 2021:

Jesus said:

“My people,

My Adoration people are special to Me because they fully believe in My Real Presence, and they are willing to spend time with Me when they can find a place of Adoration.

I love all of My children so much, and My Daily Mass People are also special to Me.

My Sunday Mass people are still attending in person, despite your church closures during the Covid virus time.

There are some Catholics, who have stopped coming to Mass, but I call on My faithful to respect My Third Commandment in giving Me worship and praise on Sunday.

Pray for all of the fallen away Christians that they could return to worshiping Me on Sunday.

Those faithful, who come to daily Mass and come to adore Me in Adoration, are special because they are going beyond what is required from My Third Commandment.

I love all of you, and I desire that you keep Me in your daily prayers, and come to frequent Confession at least monthly.

I want you to remain CLOSE to Me — because you are about to be tested — with Mandatory Vaccines, which you should NOT take.

The evil ones will try to force the Mark of the Beast on you, but you MUST REFUSE this — because there is NO CURE — for the Mark of the Beast — which will draw you to the Antichrist — and to Hell.

Call on Me to protect you from the evil ones who want to kill My faithful for avoiding the Covid shots, and avoiding the Mark of the Beast.

When your lives are threatened, I will bring you to My Refuges to protect you and feed you.”

Charismatic Promptings

Words of Knowledge

Typical Prayer Session